Membership Benefits
Madison One’s procedures and methods permit its members to effectively compete and win assignments from their clients. Madison One’s members can offer their clients a compelling and cost effective transaction value and timing proposition. The network permits members to offer their clients access to parties outside the members’ and clients’ traditional trading areas, thereby increasing the likelihood of finding the most appropriate solution.
Support Services
Madison One will share methodologies, procedures and standardized formats to assist members in providing these services to their clients. Madison One will teach the individual members in the most effective use of the network. Madison One will share strategies for maximizing both the tangible and intangible benefits to be derived from being a member. Inquiries are handled expeditiously by phone, e-mail or in person.
Cost Effective, National & International Reach
Our members are active worldwide and the network is constantly growing as we add new members who in turn generate many additional opportunities. Members can reduce costs associated with M&A activity by eliminating unnecessary phone calls, costly travel and potential transaction costs by quickly assessing the viability of an opportunity.
The Madison One Opportunity Bulletin is made available concurrently to all members via electronic dissemination. Normal initial reaction to the Opportunity Bulletin is usually within ten business days.
Information is presented in a discreet approved generic format, the Opportunity Bulletin. The identities of members and their clients are never disclosed without prior written approval. The member who provides the opportunity to the network maintains total and exclusive control over the dissemination of all follow on and relevant confidential client information.
Peer-to-Peer Marketing
Apart from integrity, confidentiality and quality considerations, the Madison One provides members with a chance to deal one-on-one with their professional peers. Members expand their scope of exclusive contacts and are introduced to other experienced professionals, who have special and often significant expertise in M&A issues, which can lead to them working together on future assignments or engagements.
Professional Education / Training
Madison One provides in-house and via webinar a variety of programs to our members’ professionals. These programs assist our members in upgrading or enhancing their skills and knowledge base. The programs are customized to accommodate the members’ requirements and priced accordingly.
Foreign Market Intelligence
It is critical that prior to pursuing an opportunity in a foreign market that our member and their client have a clear appreciation of the current status of the major issues that may have an impact on the approach to the situation and the opportunity at hand. Madison One accesses its members and related contacts to provide a base of information for the member to build upon.
Cross Border Roundtable Webinars and Conference Presentations
Madison One hosts informative roundtable webinar discussions on a variety of topics suggested by its members. These webinars can be repeated to accommodate members schedules and time zones. Madison One will create and present topical information as selected by its members at conferences organized by its members.